Fogging lenses is an issue many workers have had to deal with long before the Covid-19 pandemic. Industries that have seen a longstanding need for anti-fog eyewear have included construction, food service and processing plants and energy sector workers. There is also a growing demand in the healthcare industry as medical workers wear full PPE to treat patients and protect themselves from Covid-19. No matter the industry, Pyramex® safety glasses, which feature the company’s H2X and H2MAX anti-fog technology keep vision clear.
Fogging lenses can be caused by several factors with humidity, temperature change, body heat and face coverings being the most common. Pyramex’s latest anti-fog technology manipulates moisture on the surface of the lens through lens coating agents. The popular H2X technology provides anti-fog, anti-scratch and anti-static protection. Even after repeated cleanings, H2X is effective because the coating is bonded to the lenses. H2X technology uses non-hazardous environmental components and is waterproof.
The innovative technology behind H2MAX anti-fog coating creates a premium treatment for maximum clarity when faced with extreme temperatures and humid conditions. Formulated from non-hazardous environmental components, the anti-fog coating is durable enough to withstand repeated cleanings without a decline in performance. With H2MAX, glasses are chemical and abrasion resistant – even from materials like steel wool up to 100 grams of weight.
In 2020, the International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) created, and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved, the standard ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020 for anti-fog safety glasses. Approved eyewear will be designated by an “X” on the lens. Both Pyramex H2X and H2MAX technology pass the ANSI Z87.1 standards and Canadian certification CAN/CSA Z94.3. Pyramex is constantly working to expand its anti-fog options and create a diverse selection of eyewear to fit workers in any environment and industry.
Pyramex Safety delivers high quality safety products through its innovative and stylish product lines. The company designs and manufactures a variety of PPE from eye, head, hand, welding, cooling and hearing protection to Hi-Vis workwear, respirators and ergonomic gear. Founded in 1991, the company has more than 2,500 distributors in over 60 countries and is committed to investing countless hours to research, design and testing to ensure Pyramex products meet the highest industry safety standards. To learn more about Pyramex Safety, go to www.pyramexsafety.com.