Written by Piling Canada
March 2024

Effective Nov. 1, 2023, all companies are required to submit audits using the new harmonized audit instrument. For more information on the new COR/SECOR audit instrument, go to constructionsafety.ca/csam-audit-update-webinar. This update aligns with industry best practices and regulatory requirements.
What to know:
- The Construction Safety Association of Manitoba (CSAM) has diligently updated their online audit tool to incorporate these changes, taking into account industry’s valuable feedback.
- To access the online audit tool go to constructionsafety.ca/online-audit-tool.
- Hard copies of the new audit instrument are available at the CSAM office in Winnipeg, Man. Additionally, companies can access the audit instrument online.
- Any audit submissions on Nov. 1, 2023, using previous versions of the audit instrument will be returned.
- To maintain compliance and ensure the seamless processing of audits, it is imperative that companies use the new harmonized instrument.
Category: Industry News