Equipment Sales & Service, Ltd. (ESS), was recognized for overall business performance and sustained growth with the prestigious Canada’s Best Managed Companies designation. The 2021 Best Managed program award winners are amongst the best-in-class of Canadian owned and managed companies with revenues over $25 million demonstrating leadership in the areas of strategy, capabilities and innovation, culture and commitment and financials to achieve sustainable growth.
Michael and Peter Willis, co-executive chairmen and owners of ESS said, “[Last year,] 2020 was without question the most complicated and different year for ESS. As we entered March, like most everyone, we had no idea how the year would unfold. Trepidation was the overriding sentiment. Thanks to the ingenuity, flexibility and hard work of all of our employees, we implemented protocols, which despite never having been experienced before, were embraced, and worked. Thankfully, ESS was deemed an essential service and benefited from the Canada Employment Wage Subsidy to the extent not one employee in Canada was laid off or lost their job. We were very fortunate. As the year closed, we were pleased that our acquisitions and strategies had proved effective, in spite of the pandemic, and that once again we were and are honoured to be awarded the Best Managed Companies Platinum designation.”
“This year’s Best Managed winners are a shining example of the importance of leadership in the face of adversity,” said Kari Lockhart, partner, Deloitte Private and co-leader of Canada’s Best Managed Companies program. “By using their unique purpose as the bedrock of their organizational foundation, they were able to chart a path forward with courage and resilience. In a year unlike any other, these companies should be proud, not only of this prestigious designation, but the ever-important role they play in the progress and prosperity of Canada.”
Morgan Cronin, president of ESS said, “It is very gratifying to again retain our Best Managed Companies Platinum status for the year 2020. I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the people of Equipment Sales and Service. Our staff came through for us during a challenging 2020. They worked tirelessly as the company adjusted to the challenges presented by Covid-19. Though some had to work remotely and others had to observe strict pandemic protocols, our people still made 2020 a successful business year. A thank you to all our people.”