The Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) is accepting nominations for its 2024 awards, which showcase and celebrate the achievements and contributions of individuals, teams and companies in the deep foundations industry. This is a great chance for individuals, companies and colleagues to get recognition for their accomplishments.
The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) recognizes individuals who have made exceptionally valuable contributions to the advancement of the deep foundations industry.
The Outstanding Project Award (OPA) recognizes the superior work of DFI members. Each year, a project is chosen from geotechnical projects submitted for consideration by DFI members.
The C. William Bermingham Innovation Award encourages and recognizes innovative contributions to deep foundations technology. The award pays tribute to the innovative spirit of Bill Bermingham, a DFI past president, and his contributions to DFI and the deep foundations industry.
The Ben C. Gerwick Award for Innovation in the Design and Construction of Marine Foundations is awarded to an individual, team or company, and pays tribute to Ben Gerwick, recognizing his innovative spirit and his many contributions to the design and construction of marine foundations.
The submission deadline is April 15.
The DSA, OPA and Bermingham awards are being presented at DFI’s 49th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations in Aurora, Colo., from Oct. 7 to 10. The Gerwick Award will be presented at DFI’s SuperPile Conference from June 12 to 14, in San Francisco, Calif.