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Here’s what some of our readers and advertisers
have to say about Piling Canada
“I enjoy reading Piling Canada to catch
up on all the latest developments in
deep foundation construction. The
articles offer an extensive range and
detailed information on complex
projects that construction and drilling
companies work on, along with feature
articles and in-depth discussions
of new practices in the field. As an
advertiser in Piling Canada, we believe
we reach our target audience for our
foundation drill products and receive
feedback from many of our clients that
they’ve ‘seen us’ in Piling Canada.”
– Adam Minatre, Bay Shore Systems, Inc.
“Our office is happy to receive Piling
Canada magazine – from Issue 1 in 2007,
where Formula Contractors Ltd. proudly
had our company profile presented!
Since then, each issue makes its way
through our office and ends up at some
point in our reception area, with pages
marked up and sometimes with pages
torn out as there was information or
ideas to be had!”
– Phil R. Toma, Formula Contractors Ltd.
26 Q1 2016