DFI Celebrates 40 Years
The Deep Foundations Institute has a diverse membership that
encompasses all disciplines of the deep foundations industry
By Lisa Kopochinski
While the idea for the Deep Foundations Institute
(DFI) was first formed in 1974, it took another
two years for DFI – which would become an international
organization of designers, contractors,
engineers, suppliers, academics and owners in the deep
foundations industry – to become a reality.
In 1976, deep foundations for building construction were
quite commonplace and being utilized to support very large
design loads or improve poor soils that were previously
unsuitable for construction. However, agencies were in need
of qualified designers, contractors and manufacturers/suppliers
to collaborate with on major projects.
“Several people at a Piletalk seminar in Saddle Brook, N.J. –
sponsored by Associated Pile & Fitting (APF) – discussed the
idea of a ‘piling institute’ that would equally represent designers,
field engineers, contractors, materials and equipment
suppliers and owners,” said Theresa Engler, who became DFI’s
executive director in 2006. “A steering committee was formed
and eventually chose the name Deep Foundations Institute
to emphasize the broader coverage of all foundation types. In
1976, Hal Hunt and Jack Dougherty of APF – along with the
other steering committee members – became the founders.”
Right from the start, says Engler, the goal was for DFI to
be a true institute – a consensus organization, not a professional
society or a trade association.
“This strong differentiator is one of the reasons DFI is
highly regarded as an organization that generates ideas,
knowledge and information that can be immediately applied
to the industry,” said Engler.
Today, 40 years later, DFI has international representation
from more than 50 countries and six continents, as well as
regional chapters in Europe, India and the Middle East.
With its main headquarters located in Hawthorne,
N.J., DFI has a diverse membership of approximately
3,000 involved, knowledgeable and committed members
worldwide that encompasses all disciplines of the deep
foundation industry. This helps global members create a
consensus voice and a common vision for the continual
improvement of planning, design and construction of deep
foundations and excavations.
DFI’s 40th annual conference, held
last October in Oakland, Calif.
Ten Years of Piling Canada 43