The downturn
At its peak, Reliable Welding Services had 42 employees and
the business was thriving. They built drill rig components for
the energy sector, as well as floc tanks, dog houses and mud
tanks. Reliable Welding clients were among the best-known
firms in the Canadian energy sector.
However, that all came to an abrupt end when oil prices
plummeted in 2014. It seemed as though every other week a
different energy company was declaring bankruptcy. Reliable
Welding clients either couldn’t, or simply wouldn’t, pay their
accounts. Seemingly overnight, the work dried up.
During the energy boom, Reliable Welding achieved
annual sales in excess of $5 million. After the downturn,
annual sales contracted to just over $1.5 million.
Reliable Welding’s 42-person staff was cut to a skeleton
crew of six, and according to Morawski, “They were mostly
sweeping floors.”
Describing how they broke the difficult news of job cuts
to staff, Morawski claims that he and Gruger always strived
to be frank and matter of fact with their team. They told staff,
“We’re going to do our best to keep you employed. But you
also have to work with us.”
Fraser River Pile & Dredge (GP) Inc.
As Canada’s largest Marine Construction, Land Foundations and Dredging contractor, FRPD is a
recognized leader that employs state of the art methods and equipment. FRPD’s versatile fleet is ready
to complete all scope and size Marine Construction, Environmental Remediation, Dredging and Land
Foundation projects. Established in 1911 as Fraser River Pile Driving Company and incorporated in
2008 as Fraser River Pile & Dredge (GP) Inc., FRPD’s team of highly skilled professionals brings more
than 100 years of experience and commitment to exceeding expectations.
1830 River Drive, New Westminster, B.C. V3M 2A8
Phone: 604-522-7971 (24/7)
A loaded truck of screw piles
12 Q4 2019