“They saw the potential of the EB and were thrilled
about how it fully exceeded their expectations.”
– Richard “Biff” Heringer, Expander Body International
inherently acts as a pressure meter
test that provides instant actionable
feedback on a specific project’s soil conditions
and, if you encounter any issues
or problems, you will know about it in
real-time. Nothing else out there can
provide this kind of response.”
In spite of the EB’s positive qualities,
it is not for every job. Should a
project have underlying rock that is
quite shallow and the contractor is
not required to drill deeply, the EB may
not be needed. However, if a project is
experiencing undesirable soil conditions
such as sand, silt or soft clays, or
looking for the opportunity to shorten
pile or tieback depth, this is where the
EB can excel. The EB allows projects to
continue on soil conditions that would
be prohibitive for conventional piles,
while increasing accountability and
generating considerable savings for
project owners and developers.
“Anyone who has used the EB has
been amazed at how quickly the savings
add up,” said Heringer. “The EB
can save you much in terms of money,
labour, time and equipment. You are
also receiving a superior foundation
since the EB is pre-loading the soil. It’s
a win-win for your project.”
Moving forward, EBI is seeking
to build greater product awareness
throughout Canada’s construction
industry and the company is happy
to provide on-site tests for those
wanting to see what the EB can accomplish.
EBI will supply samples of the
product, engineering guidance and
on-site installation support (all at a
subsidized or deferred cost) to demonstrate
what it says is the future of deep
foundation engineering.
“We are educating the industry here
in Canada about the EB because we
truly believe that this product will contribute
to better Canadian foundation
practice,” said Heringer.
Find out more information about the Expander Body by reaching out to Expander
Body International through its website, www.expanderbodyinternational.com.
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