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Email: bfssales@berminghammer.com
These 2.2-metre-thick concrete walers were used to
secure all tieback anchors and transfer loads evenly
After installation, the anchors were stressed to prove
capacity. Enerpac 60-ton jacks were attached to the threaded
bars with a bracket, set to a predetermined tension and the
tension load was held for a set amount of time while anchor
displacements were measured.
A continuous, reinforced concrete waler or pile cap was
then installed along the top of each continuous tangent pile
wall. These 2.2-metre-thick concrete walers were used to
secure all tieback anchors and transfer loads evenly.
For the first tangent pile wall, a total of 216 tieback anchors
were installed in two rows. The upper row of anchors were tensioned
and locked off 0.35 metres below the top of the waler
and inclined at 25 degrees to horizontal. The lower row of
anchors were tensioned and locked off 1.05 metres below the
top of the waler and inclined at 30 degrees to horizontal. The
Performing stabilization work on a
sloping hillside within an active
slide area and with limited access
was extremely challenging.