One-Stop Safety
Software Solution
How to manage a safe and efficient worksite
By Deb Smith
Safety is a core value for every construction project,
woven into most construction companies’ DNA. Yet
carrying out a comprehensive safety plan can be a
complex and time-consuming process.
In response, CorePoint Solutions Inc. developed an innovative,
easy-to-use and highly configurable safety software
program that ensures compliance and convenience for companies
of all sizes and employees at all levels.
“Our company has been in business for 15 years,” said
Lisa Heitrich, CEO and product manager at CorePoint. “It all
started in B.C. when I was working with one of the top five
global forestry companies.” To better handle safety, in 2003,
Heitrich developed a solution for the forestry giant.
With the new safety software’s success, Heitrich received
permission to develop a comprehensive solution to improve
and better manage health and safety programs for other
forestry companies and in other industries. The result was
a suite of user-friendly and reliable occupational health and
safety (OHS) management software.
“One of our biggest challenges has been branching out
into industries beyond forestry,” said Heitrich. “But now that
construction and utilities companies realize the value of our
product, we’ve really been expanding and gaining momentum.”
That product is a powerful software tool that manages
every aspect of an organization’s safety program. Its rich
feature set and intuitive interface make for comprehensive
reporting both on an individual site or project basis,
as well as companies with many sites or projects needing
safety information consolidated and summarized. A secure
login provides access to the right information at different
levels throughout the company based on that individual’s
security role.