The Premier Publication of
Canada’s Piling Industry
Vol. 14, No. 1
Published by
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President, Jeff Lester
Publisher, Jill Harris
Sales & Art Director, Myles O’Reilly
Editors, Andrew Harris, Lindsay Risto
Senior Sales Executive, Walter Lytwyn
Senior Sales Executive, Louise Peterson
Sales Executive, Trisha Tomchuk
Senior Graphic Designer, John Lyttle
Advertising Coordinator, Leticia Abas
Online Media Designer, Mark Aquino
Administrative Assistant, Maryanne Li
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Welcome to our second annual Great Canadian Projects Issue! Thank
you to all of the companies that participated in this year’s celebra-tion
of the incredible deep foundations work taking place in Canada.
The future is bright! Start thinking about projects your company will
be completing this year and consider submitting for next year’s issue. Submission
details for 2020 will be provided in the next issue of Piling Canada as well as on our
website. If you can’t wait until then, feel free to drop me a line.
Northstar Sharp’s kicks off this year’s Great Canadian Projects. Find their story
on page 24 and discover how this team managed to install nearly 12,000 piles over
four months early for the Fort McMurray West 500-kV Transmission Project in
Northern Alberta.
In May 2018, the European Union’s General Data Privacy Regulation – better
known as the GDPR – came into effect. Many Canadian businesses wonder if the
regulation applies to them. Short answer: yes, if you do business in Europe. The
long answer isn’t as simple as that. Flip to page 53 to learn what the GDPR means
for your company and the next steps to take to ensure compliance.
Head over to page 57 for our Personnel – In the Rig column. This issue we met
Rory Brown of Force-Copps Piling Inc. After almost three decades as an autobody
technician, Brown decided to make the move to deep foundations after a friend
asked if he would be interested in ground work for a northern camp. He hasn’t
looked back.
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for DFI’s SuperPile ’19, May 1–3 in Seattle,
Wash. I’ll be walking the floor and can’t wait to meet everyone at this incredible
event marking its 12th year. There’s still plenty of time to register so be sure to head
over to the SuperPile ’19 website and I’ll see you there!
For our new readers, if you’d like to receive Piling Canada in the mail or join the
quarterly e-newsletter list, please don’t hesitate to contact me. If your company
works in Canada, we’d also love to write about you and your projects in the maga-zine.
The process is easy and I’m happy to tell you more! Be sure to follow Piling
Canada on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, and view our digital edition archives
at PilingCanada.ca.
There’s still time to fill out our short Demographic Survey. Please head over to
the Piling Canada website and take a few minutes to complete this survey, which
will help us determine upcoming content. As always, I love feedback and com-ments,
and am always open to suggestions, so if you know of a story you’d love to
see in here, drop me a line.
Lindsay Risto
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4 Q1 2019 www.pilingcanada.ca