mill that was capable of producing 114.3-millimetre to
406.4-millimetre OD pipe sizes and wall thickness up to 12.7
millimetres, Dave decided to design and manufacture a pipe
mill in-house.”
Armed with one mechanical engineer and a team of
mechanics and machinists, that’s what they did. Two years
later, on Oct. 11, 2000, the first piece of pipe rolled off the
assembly line.
Matt O’Donnell, pipe mill manager, has been working for
DFI for 18 years. “I’ve been dedicated to improving the efficiency
of the pipe mill for the past 12 years,” said O’Donnell. “When
we moved to our new 125,000 square foot piling facility in
2015, we added an accumulator that enables us to run our
pipe mill without stopping to load a new coil. As a result, we’ve
doubled our production output and can easily accommodate
large jobs with minimal change in the pipe mill.
“In the pipe mill we can change from one diameter to
another in three hours instead of the normal 24 to 48 hours.
We do custom lengths of pipe with changes made on the fly,
no stopping, no possibility of defects in welds.”
The DFI pipe mill manufactures 4 ½-inch (114.3 millimetre)
to 16-inch (406.4 millimetre) OD piling material with up to
half-inch (12.7 millimetre) wall thickness. Custom lengths
can go up to 85 feet (26 metres) uninterrupted. Inventory
consists of thousands of tons of hot rolled coil and manufactured
ASTM A252 piling pipe in all the standard diameters and
wall thicknesses.
As Dyck said, “Owning our own supply chain, having the
ability to produce high quality material in short order, made
to length and with little to no waste, is a tremendous competitive
advantage as we can maintain control over project schedules
and costs.”
Pulling it all together
In-house engineering and technical teams work collaboratively
with customers and field crews to provide complete pile
design (driven or helical), survey, material supply, installation,
cutting, capping and pile testing services. The DFI team of
civil engineers assess geotechnical data and structural
requirements to develop a foundation design that can be
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