this project across two separate areas,
Extraction and Tailings (E&T) and Ore
Preparation Plant (OPP). Executing on a
time and materials basis Keller exceeded
their client’s expectations from a commercial
and safety perspective.
To complete this project on-time and
on-budget, crews were mobilized from
Ontario and Saskatoon to support the
14/7 continuous schedule. Keller creatively
acquired and juggled equipment
to exceed schedules for critical path piles.
Through high levels of trust and
communication between the general
contractor, Keller and the subcontractors
(welding, pile monitoring, cranes,
etc.), Keller continued to mitigate risk
and adjusted sequencing to ultimately
meet all the project’s objectives.
Hayward Baker Canada Ltd –
Utilities & Offsites – Fluor
Canada + Fort Hills Energy LP)
Hayward Baker Canada Ltd. (HBCL), a
Keller Company, was awarded the ground
improvement and load transfer pad design
contract for a new hot water storage tank
located at the Fort Hills U&O. Due to the
highly variable soil conditions across the
base of the tank, unacceptable differential
settlement and planar tilt could be
expected without ground improvement.
Keller has the experience, capacity, capability and
flexibility to comfortably take on multiple large scopes
simultaneously across major capital projects.
Moving the tank was not an option, it
had to be built on site. HBCL’s in-house
engineering team provided a design
build package for the work that consisted
of Keller’s Vibro Pier system installed at
various depths and spacing below the
tank footprint, coupled with a load transfer
pad compatible with the client’s tank
specifications and owner requirements.
Despite having to install the vibro piers
in winter conditions, HBCL was able to
complete the project 2 weeks ahead of
schedule, and on budget.
Keller Foundations Ltd. –
Fort Hills Secondary
Extraction – PCL/SK E&C
Keller was approached by PCL Industrial
Management in December 2014 to
negotiate a contract for the installation
of 3,794 driven pipe piles on the
Fort Hills Secondary Extraction Plant.
Keller was chosen for this contract due
to our proven ability to provide better
than average safety performance and
excellent production rates on previous
projects on the site.
As the project was already months
behind in getting started the EPCM
and General Contractor required a
contractor who could meet a tight
schedule in order to get the module
program back on schedule. Keller
overcame significant mobilization,
engineering, weather and cultural/
language challenges. As a result of high
levels of trust and the reputation we
earned, Keller was retained to execute
a design-build scope for significant
critical shoring work on site. A win-win
for both parties.
Reliability, safety and quality.
Building on our strengths
Keller Canada, believes that reputations
are built every single day. That’s why
they continuously strive to deliver the
highest quality services in a safe, timely
and cost effective manner.
It’s a job they take very seriously.
Because at Keller Canada their reputation
for excellence goes deeper.