• Manage employee expectations. One of the biggest
benefits of telemedicine is convenience. The most comprehensive
providers offer bilingual service, available
24/7, 365 days a year. They offer support through video,
telephone and webchat. They also offer integrated care
management, with a real person, and navigation throughout
the entire patient journey. They also share patient
records with the family doctor. However, most providers
don’t offer this kind of coverage, so employers may need
to manage their employees’ expectations or match the
service to their needs.
Try it out. It can be challenging to commit to a new service
from an unfamiliar provider, especially when under pressure
to select one. The good news is that a number of providers are
offering short term contracts because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Employers should take advantage of this; a short-term
contract can provide a good introduction to a new service. If
the goal is to offer something as soon as possible in response
to the pandemic, it may be enough to choose a short-term
contract. Make sure the contract offers basic coverage for
physical and mental health support, referrals to specialists
and paramedical professionals, and the ability to write and
maybe even deliver prescriptions. Want coverage with care
management and navigation? Ask about that up front and
look for a reliable company to trust.
The last thing employers want is employees coming to
work sick. Even as restrictions related to the pandemic
loosen, a second wave of COVID-19 on the job site can cost
a company time and money. Finding the right telemedicine
services provider can help avoid those problems.
Mary-Lou MacDonald is the
national practice lead, health and
performance for HUB International.
As a pioneer in the field of workplace
wellness, she has spearheaded many
ground-breaking initiatives that
have paved the way for leaders to
understand and adopt healthy and
high performing workplace practices
and strategy.
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1. Primary health care providers, 2017, Statistics Canada, www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/82-625-x/2019001/article/00001-eng.htm.
2. The myths and truths about paid sick days, http://ontario.psac.com/sites/ontario/files/paid_sick_days_myths.pdf.
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