The ability to complete construction projects has become
increasingly more complex, including requirements related
to quality, health and safety and environmental permitting as
well as procurement models.
This requires contractors to become more sophisticated in
these areas, even if they’re acting purely as a subcontractor, as
the owner and general contractors are passing more requirements
down than ever before. This will result in changes in
companies’ structures and overheads and making margins
will become more challenging. This hits the medium-sized
contractors’ business model the most and we may see more
buyouts by larger companies.
What are necessary competencies to be
successful in construction?
SC: The construction industry is full of people who are
multi-talented – they have to know the technical side, how
to negotiate and understand contracts, how the company
makes money and most importantly how to work well with
people. People are the greatest assets a company has.
What advice do you have for people entering
or thinking about joining this industry?
SC: I highly encourage young people to spend time working
on the construction side of the industry even if they want to
be designers. Seeing the world from the delivery side will help
give you the skills to be a highly resourceful individual, one
that can see the challenges on different sides of the table.
As a bonus, you will spend time with hard-working, clever
people who are very generous with their knowledge. When
you have to produce the final product, you really appreciate
the teams that do the work to deliver it. I have had the
good fortune to spend time and learn from so many people
that took the time to teach me their trade and this continues
today at FRPD.
Any tips specifically for young women?
SC: Don’t be intimidated, everyone was new at one time. It’s
fun and challenging, and if you are interested in learning,
you’ll find a lot of people will be very welcoming and giving
with their time.
Fraser River Pile & Dredge (GP) Inc.
As Canada’s largest Marine Construction, Land Foundations and Dredging contractor, FRPD is a
recognized leader that employs state of the art methods and equipment. FRPD’s versatile fleet is ready
to complete all scope and size Marine Construction, Environmental Remediation, Dredging and Land
Foundation projects. Established in 1911 as Fraser River Pile Driving Company and incorporated in
2008 as Fraser River Pile & Dredge (GP) Inc., FRPD’s team of highly skilled professionals brings more
than 100 years of experience and commitment to exceeding expectations.
1830 River Drive, New Westminster, B.C. V3M 2A8
Phone: 604-522-7971 (24/7)
“I enjoy working with the people of FRPD and learning from the vast knowledge
that is within the organization. It is a 107-year-old company with much tradition
but also with an eye to the future and it is continually evolving.”
– Sarah Clark
68 Q4 2018