Pacifica Piling Ltd.
After a year in the market, this steel supplier
continues to pick up steam
When Rick Cable and his then-girlfriend Melissa
Butler left the East Coast and arrived in Vancouver
with nothing more than a suitcase full of
clothes in 1996, he never imagined that 20 years
later he would be the president of Pacifica Piling Ltd.
Cable graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from
the Memorial University of Newfoundland and Butler graduated
with a Bachelor of Commerce. Their job prospects in St.
John’s were not promising, so they took a risk and moved to
When they arrived, the job market was not as good as they
had hoped. After seeing a job in the newspaper, Cable applied
for a job at a local steel supplier. He was hired and remained
in the steel industry ever since. Butler, now his wife, worked
her way up to a senior management position in the software
industry but took on the role as the finance manager with
Pacifica Piling.
Cable started out as a shipper and receiver. After working
in that role for five years, he moved into sales and
helped his customers purchase the best steel piling for
their jobs. His next role was a branch management position
with a major regional steel piling supplier. Over the
decade, he gained the experience that has helped him to
run his own company.
By Colleen Birchwood
Steel pipe piles
being installed in the
Portland Airport project
by Dewitt Construction