Loose sandy soil, regardless of its specific characteristics, requires
significant densification to provide sufficient settlement control and
sound bearing pressure for new structures being built.
in soil density of loose sand and gravel to reduce settlement
and support foundations. The improved density and
stiffness is also used to mitigate soil liquefaction and reduce
seismic settlement.
Simple process, many advantages
The Densipact® system is a three-step process:
1. A specially designed multi-tined tool uses high frequency,
vertical impact energy and downward crowd force to drive
the tines to the design depth.
2. The tines are removed, and the resulting cavities and
depression are filled with on-site sand or other suitable
aggregates (i.e. gravel, recycled materials).
3. The tooling is then re-driven in the same location to further
improve the loose sand and backfill materials. The process
is repeated (typically two to three times per location
depending on soil conditions) until the required penetration
resistance is achieved. Verification of improvement is
provided through load testing or in-situ penetration
testing (CPTs, SPTs).
Not only is the process simple, there are many advantages
to using the Densipact® system:
• Environmentally safe and sustainable construction.
• Economical when compared to traditional
foundation alternatives.
• Rapid installation process improves project schedules.
• Efficiently eliminates dewatering for over-excavation
operations in high groundwater environments.
• Clean, dry displacement installation process results in no
spoils or siltation concerns.
• Eliminates casing and allows for construction in caving
soils including high groundwater sand, including
treatment for liquefaction.
• Proven with bearing pressures up to 14,000 psf.
Mark Tigchelaar, P.Eng., is the president and founder of GeoSolv
Design/Build. He is passionate about both the geoscience and
the construction industry as a whole, and has a strong desire
to contribute to its excellence by promoting the concept of
improved value throughout the industry. He can be reached
at mark@geosolv.ca.
60 Q2 2019 www.pilingcanada.ca